How to Boost Blog Traffic Fast| Get the 15 Easy Strategies

With the enormous number of blogs cropping up everywhere on the internet, people are undergoing the broadest choice of sources for their information.

With that being said, the huge question that today’s blogger's ask is:

How to increase blog traffic rapidly?

I understand how acute the answers to this question are, so I have stated 15 verified strategies to raise your blog traffic faster.
At this information age, anyone who knows these actions will clearly be in the lead.

1.   Create evergreen content for your blog
Writing on topics that users will openly need for a while is one good way to certify higher blog traffic. Learn to classify the periodic questions people ask today or need help with all the time.
Questions on how to grow blog & website visitor are extremely common.
“How To” posts on classic topics will confirm a good rating for your blogs in search engines.

2.    Write content on the trending topics   
We live in a fast stepped world. Internet users search for information on blogs to help them enhance that speed. Do NOT slow them down with posts on old topics that many would have disremembered. Write on the trending topics or current happenings that are likely to be examined.
People will search for SEO techniques and strategies in 2017 or 2018 rather than searching for SEO in 2008.

3.    Elevate your posts for search engines

This aids a multiple purpose – Makes the article easier to find by the seeker and easier to perceive by the search engines. Optimized posts result in superior ranking which is vital to surge traffic.
Writing quality content with tough titles and Meta descriptions help produce optimized posts.
Adding essential keywords is always a good idea too.

4.    Target long-tail keywords

Long tail keywords are those three and four keyword idioms which are very, very definite to whatever you are selling or providing services to your customer/peoples.
The game of keywords is simple – Include words you think people will search for. What is delicate is including the most of it in your blog and not compromising over superiority.
For example: “best movies” will give you lesser search traffic than “best movies Hollywood 2014” because you included a larger set of words that will relate to what people search for.

5.    Write a attractive headline

The title or headline of any blog post is the most significant factor, because search engine and human always look at the headline first and then elect to read the article.
It has been seen over the years that people love to read list posts. Try to use number in your headline and then write an in-depth content.
Example of list posts:
5 operative ways to get more search traffic
10 best ways to improve your blog traffic
10 Amazing SEO Tips and Tricks That’ll Lift Your Rankings
You can use these tools to generate catchy headline.
Tweak Your Biz Title Generator

6.    Write better Meta description

The snippet of information beneath the link of search result on SERPs is a Meta description. It is a couple of short sentences that give a searcher a glance into what the website might contain.
The goal with Meta description should be to influence the searcher to click the link. However, Do NOT mislead the viewers with duplicate descriptions.
A simple and honest Meta description can do wonders for your blog traffic. Try to write it within 350 characters.

7.    Add keywords to post

We have already crossed this idea in our earlier points. Include words that you think users might search for, but do not block your posts with worthless words and lose out on quality. Words that can collect up as results and lead you to the top of the SERPs are the ones to include.
Sprinkle the keywords all over your posts, in the Title, Meta description, headings, URL and paragraphs to perfectly improve the blog post.

8.    Include your target keyword in URL

URL contains the information that leads to the unique address of a website. Still, it can be used in much smarter ways to optimize search engine results.
The search engines have an ability to read the URL. So, using words readable by humans and including the precise targeted keywords in the URL will enable a search engine to target your webpage.

9.    Make a fast loading blog

This step is more like learning maintenance of your blog. Identify and remove the loose ends on your blog site, revised editions of old posts, copies, useless templates, plugins, etc. Harvesting trash only takes longer to load.
Images and videos need to be enhanced to help load fast i.e., resize with help of online tools and set the media files to the fastest format.
Regularly test your loading speed using Pingdom Tools or GTmetrix and manage your content accordingly.

10.                  Respond to each blog comment

People commenting on your blog is usually a good symbol; it means your post is getting familiar and is important enough for someone to take the time out and comment their opinion. Respond. Let them know that your blog is active and being taken care of.

11.                  Optimize images for search engine

Images can open up plenty of entrances leading to your website. Understanding the simple process of optimizing your image can help to boost your blog traffic. Help the search engines read your image and classify it better by putting a colorful title.
For example, naming an image “improve-blog-traffic.jpg” will help a search engine read it better than “687-82ml.jpg.”

    12. Internal link to your old blog posts

Once you have seized a reader by a post, your aim must be to never let them go. Casually arranging links here and there to help guide them further into the website towards your older blog posts is a good way to spike the interest of the reader and thus, increase blog traffic.

 13. Build only quality backlinks to your blog

One way of showing that your topic is one of interest among users and is a trending topic on the internet is by using backlinks. Backlinks are links that display the other webpages that link with your posts.
One of the major Google ranking factors are number and quality of links pointing to the individual webpages.
So, build some high quality backlinks to your blog & website to stay on the top.

  14. Post high quality content frequently

Once you become tired in your posts, people naturally assume you have backed out of the game. Don’t let that happen.
Reach out.

  15. Promote massively in social media

Almost every internet user has at least one social media account. It is their one place to view everything that goes on in the outside world through the safety of their profiles.
Promoting your articles on social media are like broadcast calls to their online doorstep. Every concerned person who comes across your article link on social media is bound to click it. The result? Increase in traffic.


Following all the tips above is definite to help increase your blog traffic.
‘How to increase blog traffic faster’ is a classic topic that millions of blogger’s will ask for decades to come. Though, the most vital part about having a blog is your responsibility to upload quality content that educate people and help create skilled content writers.
87% of organic search results are blog posts and 70% of the links users click on are organic results, not paid.

Enjoy your blogs! And then soon must start the   AD-SENSE on your blog!!!!!


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